Monday, June 3, 2013

30 Day June Blog Challenge- Day 3: My Views on Drugs and Alcohol

Today's post for the 30 day June blogging challenge is going to be about views on drugs and alcohol. I'm sure this is going to be a touchy subject for alot of people, but I'm going to be honest with how I feel.

First off, I do wanna say that I have never done illegal drugs in my life. Of course I take ibuprofin and allergy medicine and whatnot, but I've never smoked pot or done cocaine or anything. Neither has my fiance. Drinking on the other hand, I do occasionally. When I say occasionally, I mean like once a month, if that. I am 24, so I'm above legal drinking age, which of course is fine. 

How do I feel about drugs? In all honesty, I truly feel like people can do whatever they want. If they want to partake in weed smoking, that's on them. If they want to do harder drugs, again, that's on them. I'd like to think that everyone in the world would make the right decision and not do any drugs at all, but hey, that's just not gonna happen. I'd also like to think that if people are doing drugs and are on a downward spiral into severe addiction, they'd get the help they need. I personally think drugs are bad, but that's my opinion and I know people are going to have different views than I do. Just don't do anything around me or try to get me to do drugs. It's just not gonna happen!

I have a slightly different view on alcohol. I think drinking in moderation is totally fine. No one should ever drink a million drinks and then get in a car to drive somewhere. Very recently, a co-worker of mine's 14 year old son lost his best friend to a drunk driver who was texting her pot dealer to meet up. Things like that just should not happen in this world. An innocent teenager's life was ripped away from him due to some stupid girl's actions. Nothing can be done to bring this poor boy back, but I truly hope justice is served and she gets thrown in jail. 

Anyways, like I said above, I only have one drink a month, if that. I was never into alcohol, and on my 21st birthday I went to Olive Garden with my mom and my brother and only had one glass of wine. That's all I needed. I don't feel the need to drink myself into oblivion and if people need to do that, then they need help bad. My fiance has never taken a sip of alcohol in his life, and I'm so amazingly proud of him for that because his father was an alcoholic. He's been clean for over 20 years I believe and that's an amazing thing. It's insanely tough trying to beat any addiction and it's always going to be a struggle whether your clean for 20 days or 20 years. 

In closing, I'll have to say that I dislike people abusing alcohol more than abusing drugs. Obviously, both are bad and no one should do either one, but like I said above, that'll never happen. I just have such a strong aversion to alcohol abuse and I don't really have sympathy for someone if something horrible happened due to that person's stupidity. More people need to get the help they need in order to maintain a healthy life. If you have an addictive personality, obviously you should stay away from these things, right? Well, at least that's what I think.

This is definitely going to be a touchy subject for alot of people but I'm glad I got to express my views and how I feel.


  1. This is a great challenge! I'm a little late on the game, but I might go ahead and try this.

    1. Go for it! The lady who set it up even says we don't have to post everyday, just do what we can. I'm trying for everyday though!

    2. come and join in Blushing Antics! Katy, my views on alcohol and drugs are a bit different because it has caused a lot of hurt and anguish in my family. More than just the person doing the drugs and alcohol are affected. I, too, drink in moderation!

    3. I see what you're saying. It is hard to say which is worse when both are equally as bad.

  2. I do have empathy for people who get addicted, sometimes they just aren't strong enough, sometimes they get addicted through family spouses or parents who do force them. Sometimes they get addicted through legal prescription meds without intending to. From my perspective, it's not stupidity, it's a person not in control for a variety of reasons which often can't be explained. Congrats to your fiance.

    1. Yeah, you have a point.

      Thanks for stopping by!


Thank you for all your comments! I'll reply back as soon as I can :)