Friday, June 14, 2013

30 Day June Blog Challenge- Day 14: My Earliest Memory

Today's post for the blogging challenge is to write about your earliest memory. Mine is actually kinda sad, but hey, it's what I remember.

I was in pre-school and I would always bring in a bag with my stuffed animals in it. During nap time one of the teachers wouldn't let me take my stuffed animals out of the bag to snuggle with because she said they had germs and I'd get sick. I remember crying, thinking that they were being suffocated, but the teacher didn't care. I don't remember her name, but she wasn't very nice from what my 4 year old self can remember. 

Anyways, I still have some stuffed animals from when I was younger and my favorite is a stuffed bear I got when I was 1 day old, and his name is Bear-Bear. Yes, I still have him, and yes, I still sleep with him at night. Don't judge, I must still think he's traumatized from being suffocated in a plastic bag...


  1. What a mean teacher. I wonder if she knows how long these memories last for a young child. No judging here!!

    1. She was so mean! I don't know why she had to do that

  2. What a horrible teacher! I remember having fears like that when i was younger, especially about Barbie not being able to breathe in her box, lol. That mean teacher must not have had special stuffed animals as a girl. Otherwise, she'd totally get it. :-)

    1. Haha she would get it if she had a special stuffed animal, but you're right, she probably didn't ;)

  3. Why didn't she just send a note to your mother and let her know bringing a stuff animal to school was a no no; which it probably was. Telling you they had germs, while probably 100% accurate, didn't seem necessary. You were used to them and wouldn't get sick, but other children might have. And then, they didn't have their animals and would have been unhappy if she let you have yours. She didn't handle it well.

    1. From what I can remember, it wasn't a no no. Other kids brought their toys and whatnot. Oh well, I was 4. Can't do anything about it now!


Thank you for all your comments! I'll reply back as soon as I can :)